Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OCCUPY GOD - Episode 2 ("The Read")

Okay folks!
(Watch episode 1 first. Click here)

Well . . .  we're on our way here. But it may be that I don't have as much "time" (as is said in some book somewhere) to just "cruise" through and try and monetize and strategize and yada yada.

But I'll try the best I can.

Meantime though - here's episode 2.

I meant for it to be shorter but . . .  um . . .  well . . . .

But its the last one of it's kind.
Basically - Episodes 1 and 2 would be the "prerequisites" if this were some kind of class. But its not a class.
Even so, I'll be mentioning in future episodes that the viewer should see Episodes 1 and 2.

I mention that because - um . . .  Episode 3 is already mostly done. Some last editing.

But that would be too much too soon . . . .

I'd love if you could share these videos.
Of course I'd love that.
Why wouldn't I love that?

If after watching one and two you find yourself a little bit "hooked" please feel free to leave me questions, comments, thoughts, riffs, etc. in the comment section.

And if you know how to subscribe and "friend" on YouTube - well - don't be shy!


Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in knowing why you put such an emphasis on the St. James Bible? What about it's political history and how it was put together and what books were chosen, plus what they left out. How does that relate to downloading God 2.0?
The other question is, why don't you recommend a translated copy of the Torah, also called the Tanakh? Seems like it would be different in translation and more relevant in your quest to connect all three of these religious texts?

Occupy God said...

Good questions.

Main thing with the King James edition - It's the 400th b-day of it! Yay! What that means to me is that the words of that translation have been in the "open" for at least 400 years. And even if there are small difference between different scholars' opinions - the basic story holds.
It is also this "version" that informs and has molded most of the structures that we occupy. It's symbols, memes, etc. Plus its in the public domain.
As to a specific translation of the Tanakh - well - this is not intended to be a scholarly work. Moses was a shepherd (though a son of Pharaoh), Jesus was no scholar, Muhammad was illiterate. So - main thing is - these texts are easy to acquire. And sufficient. I have a Tanakh translation but for all 3 of those "religions" - no one of them is going to, at least for now, consider this possibility.
That's why its "Occupy God". The clergy have been dismissed from their jobs, if you will. So, if a person is curious, I just show them the straight path.
As to it being a quest -? It's not really. I've done it already (Not very impressive results, right? :-)) Its a very simple thing.
The connection between the texts happens within the individual. Even the Bible and Koran don't connect in themselves. Not if people don't read the whole thing and only go to the bits their "teachers" tell them to go to.
Thanks for your feedback. I'm pretty sure it'll make more sense (or not)as time goes on. I'm also going to write a page or two for the blog explaining OCCUPY GOD and might address these questions in there.
Main thing is that I approach God (which = Love, which = The Word) as a Verb.
Its really much simpler than people think.
Thanks for checking it out. You might find Episode 3 enjoyable.